
From our experience there are a number of benefits to having video as part of your marketing plan, some of which may surprise you.

The use of video can be overlooked as a frivolous use of cash. From our experience, writing the script of an ‘about us’ video challenges clients to articulate their proposition concisely to their audience. There’s a common tendency to unpack product features, rather than showcase the product’s everyday benefits. The other issue is using too much jargon that complicates and alienates people.

This internal exercise from deliberation to clarity, justifies the expense of video and gives the business’ core proposition, and the activity around it, the right focus – particularly for more complex services.

There’s lots of debate around authenticity of using mobile type footage, however at launch using the material for the website maintains the visual look and feel in the same journey, doing this properly is advisable.

Once this is established, video helps build your marketing funnel and generates traffic to your website. Prospects may not purchase on this occasion but serve a similar product or service and there’ll be more likely to buy next time. Facebook video ads represent value for money too, 10% the cost of other formats like a carousel or single image ad (wordstream). Similarly, this asset can be used across Google and YouTube’s ad formats.

We’ve managed to get cost per play down to a small number of pence for one of our clients. This has really stretched their marketing budget versus traditional media when cash is spent regardless of whether the ad is seen or not. Added to this, there is a decent level targeting and engagement, using Facebook ThruPlay, the ad is served to users who are likely to watch it in its entirety – or for at least 15 seconds (quite long), the brand only pays for the ads that have been watched.

Hosting a variation of the edit on the site itself, studies show that users spend 88% more time on pages with videos (Web fx), which gets you higher on search terms and builds your site credibility. This longer video execution might be a variation but the shorter initial hook, now has your customer captive to unpack more about your product or service.

From this journey, the uplift on average site time has led to an increase conversion for our clients, to be fair this isn’t a guarantee; however according to HubSpot, video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to as much as 80%.

So if you aren’t using video on your site or repurposing to generate the traffic to your site, now’s time to start.

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